Links to other websites for more information about Puerto mogan and Gran Canaria. We've also included information that doesn't fit into any of our other pages.
Directory of accommodation, bars, restaurants etc. and other information about Puerto and Playa de Mogan
Information and links for Puerto Mogan and the whole of the Costa Mogan in the south west of Gran Canaria - holiday apartments, activities, places to eat etc.
At the tourist information kiosk by the beach you can find out more about the area, what's going on and book tickets for various activities.
All sorts of info about property, investment, events and other topics of interest to visitors to and residents of Gran Canaria.
Info voor Puerto de Mogan.
Info about Puerto Mogan in Dutch.
Centro Veterinario - Las Casillas 56 (just down the road from the windmill at Molino de Viento)
Mon-Fri 10:30-13:00 & 17:00-20:30, Sat. 10:30-13:30
Emergencies (mobiles): 616 666 715 & 647 093 661
Tel: +34 928 569 344 Mobile: +34 616 666 715